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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Health and Diet: What Makes a Diet Healthy?

A friend told me of her healthy diet . It is not surprising that many of those who misunderstand maintenance for his notion of a healthy diet. The fact SAD ( Standard American Diet ) is that many people make the effort to help themselves and create healthy lifestyles to finish sickly and often overweight .

A few years ago , the medical community has decided that fat is a bad thing. Suddenly, the food industry has responded with no fat . Products - Free Butter a large thriving industry. Bakeries boasted fat ingredients - almost all large companies have followed suit SAD .

Enter the age of hormonal imbalances. Your body needs fat to burn fat. Your body needs fat to absorb and use fat-soluble vitamins . Your body needs fat to insulate your body and feed your brain !

However, the lack of information is not there .

People are afraid of fat stopped eating meat.

Think about it . How their ancestors run across the plains and build strong bodies that define our civilization? They ate meat !

Today many people are turning to vegetarian diets only to see his declining health - strongly . Not every body is designed to thrive on a vegetarian diet.

Most people need a little meat to create and maintain health. Note that I am talking about animals freedom, humanity raised without antibiotics or hormones.

For many, a clear mind after a meat meal . It is not necessary to eat eight ounces or more in a single session . Your body reacts probably only 3-4 ounces at a time . The other focuses on their organs of elimination .

The problem with eating well, in the eyes of many , means the elimination of meat , animal fats and dairy products and cereals favoring such as bread , cereals and pasta.

Ah ha! Spark grains pancreas to produce insulin , which often leads to diabetes .

Look what the most obese people eat on a regular basis - pasta and bread ( made ​​from refined flour chemical ) - many times.

Do you see why the population of the United States is the world leader in obesity ? Dubious distinction !


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